☆ 略 歴 ☆
「サントリーホール1周年記念ガラコンサート・響」、1987年~「国立劇場主催 雅楽・声明公演」、「芸術祭祝典~武満徹・もうひとつの世界」(国立劇場、天皇皇后両陛下ご観覧)、「ティータイムコンサート・雅楽公演」(カザルスホール)、「飛騨古川音楽祭」、「太田市市制45周年記念・舞楽法会」、 「東京の夏音楽祭・舞楽法会」(サントリーホール)、「夢交響舞台」(新国立劇場)、「JASRAC・日本の音in うえはら~耳なし芳一」(けやきホール)、「第10回神奈川国際芸術フェスティバル・舞楽法会」(神奈川県立音楽堂)、「KIRILOLA コンサート」(目黒パーシモンホール)、リサイタル「伊藤えり・雅楽コンサート」(アミュゼ柏)、”When two phoenixes meet"(香港)、厳島神社奉納演奏(音輪会にて参加)など。
2009年、自身のプロデュース&演奏・構成により、CD「祈りの海へ・・・きぼうのいえ・めもえりある」(朗読・江原啓之)を製作(NAPI MUSIC)。
2011年10月 "The Mystery of the Sho" 香港大学本部にて、現地学生に講義。
2012年5月 Stanford 大学 Jaroslaw Kapuschinski 准教授の日本での講義の一環で、雅楽のなかの「間」について講義を行う(於・京都・Stanford 大学日本校)
韓国・国立国楽院主催 「外国人音楽研究者のためのワークショップ」参加(韓国、ソウル)
2011年 香港 "When two phoenixes meet - Loo Sze Wong & Eri Ito"
香港大学の招聘により香港のSheng奏者、Loo Sze Wang氏と共演。
2012年 香港 "Beyond the boundary" Wuji ensemble(無極楽団)と共演。
for_solo_voice@nifty.com まで。
(Profile in English)
Eri Ito
Graduating from the Tokyo national
University of Fine Arts and Music, Eri Ito’s mentors include Tadamaro Ono 多忠麿and Tadaaki Ono 多忠輝, who belong to a hereditary guild of orthodox musician serving the
Japanese Imperial Court since the tenth century. Ito performs the sho and
traditional gagaku dance at concert
halls, historic temples and shrines. Besides being an ardent devotee of the 1200-year old tradition, Ito is
also keen on exploring with Western ensembles and other Asian instruments, as
well as premiering multimedia works.
Ito’s performance includes; as a member of
Tokyo Gakuso(東京楽所): the 1st Anniversary concert of the Suntory Hall (1987),
Gagaku concerts held by National Theatre in Japan (from 1987), Takemitsu Toru:
Another world (1990, the National Theatre, in the presence of Japanese Emperor
and Empress) Hida-Furukawa international Music Festival (1992), Tokyo Summer
Festival in Suntory Hall (1994), AOI Concert Hall Shizuoka Opening Concert
(1995), the 40th Anniversary Concert of the National Theatre “Bugaku
Ho-e” (2006); as a member of Reigakusha (伶楽舎), UK tour (Birmingham,
Cambridge, London, and Glasgow, 1998), Europe tour (Cologne, Berlin, Brussels,
and Oslo, Ultima Oso Contemporary Music Festival) in 2000.
Collaborative performance; Dream: Symphonic
Stage (1999, the New National Theatre in Japan, joined the huge ensemble by
Japanese traditional musical instruments and collaborated with choir, a Noh
dancer, a Buddhist chanting group, Chinese dancers and a percussionist), Japanese
Sound in Uehara (2001, Keyaki Hall, collaboration with Japanese biwa), Ito Eri Gagaku Concert (2009, Amuse
Kashiwa, collaboration with piano, harp and other gagaku instruments). When the
two phoenixes meet (2011, collaboration with Loo Sze Wang in Hong Kong
University Concert Series). Over the Boundary (2012, collaborative work with Wuji ensemble in HK).
In 2009, she produced her first CD in order to raise the charity for the hospice “Hope House”, which cares for homeless people. In the CD “Toward the Sea for Prayer” (2009), she reconstructed and recorded an ancient gagaku instrument, the u(竽), which had vanished during the course of the history. Combining the recitation of prayers with the sho, u, piano, and a Balinese metallophone, the CD has successfully achieved to make the sound of sho more familiar to people. As such, Ito is carving a unique niche for not only the sho, but also for other traditional instruments in Japan, making them more accessible to all.